How You Benefit


What are the overall benefits of a ground source energy system?

Long-term cost savings

When considering the full life cycle analysis of a well integrated ground source system, the average pay back is between 2 and 10 years depending on the size and type of building. This requires the consideration of:

Incremental cost – Sizing the ground heat exchanger properly is important to minimize the capital cost, but the analysis must also consider the impact on related systems, particularly the building heating and cooling systems. The GHX should allow for the elimination of at least one, if not both, of the heat rejection device (i.e. fluid cooler) and boiler.
There are also other potential capital savings from structural, architectural, electrical, and other disciplines when considering a well integrated design. The net result is often an incremental cost that is much lower than the cost of the GHX installation.

Utility Savings – Although the cost of natural gas is near all time lows, this is just one factor to consider when evaluating a ground source system. Cost savings vary depending on local utility rates, but heating savings generally offer little to no benefit due to the difference between natural gas and electricity. Cooling savings are always significant though, because there is no fuel switching so all energy savings translate into dollars.
Water costs are often overlooked on larger systems; most large buildings would use water cooled chillers which rely on cooling towers that evaporate water for heat rejection, all of which is typically eliminated with a ground source system.

Maintenance Savings – Ground source systems require very little maintenance as the majority of the system is buried plastic pipe. There is however, the elimination of a cooling tower or boiler, both of which represent significant maintenance throughout the year. Beyond preventative maintenance, there are also regular overhauls required to these pieces of equipment, in addition to major failures that increase in cost and regularity over the life of the unit.

Capital Reserve/ Equipment Replacement – In addition to not installing this equipment on day one, there are additional savings realized by not replacing the same piece of equipment at end of life. Proper accounting would allot an annual reserve for the replacement of such equipment, further contributing to the annual savings.

Environmental sustainability – The ground source system offers a renewable and energy-efficient resource, that is at the heart of a low carbon building heating and cooling system. More than just energy savings, ground source systems eliminate natural gas consumption and instead rely entirely on electricity, which in most jurisdictions in Canada is produced with little or no carbon emissions. The net results is hundreds of tons of carbon emissions avoided annually.

Resilient Building systems – When considering a building’s ability to withstand major external events, the best approach is to reduce demands from external sources. Ground source systems do just that, reducing annual energy consumption of the building.
Moreover, ground source systems reduce overall building demand from the grid (i.e. peak load) offering further benefits to the distribution systems.

Safe and reliable – Removing fossil fuel burning devices offers additional benefits by removing a significant health and safety risk from the property. Although well regulated, fossil fuel devices requires extensive safety controls and emergency measures to protect occupants, all of which can be eliminated with a simple, clean ground source system.


How do you benefit from Geo-Xergy Systems?

Ground source energy systems are more complex than they may seem. A properly designed system accommodates for the amount of heat being released and extracted throughout the year. Our qualified and experienced team uses quality control measures through each step in the process to guarantee balance and efficiency, ensuring you benefit from the most reliable, safe and affordable system possible.